Request for Assistance
The Town of Jonesville is currently accepting bids on a water project which consists of the following major items.:
Replacement of approximately 7,500 LF of existing 2-inch galvanized iron and PVC waterlines with 6-inch PVC waterline; Replacement of approximately 3,500 LF of existing 6-inch cement asbestos, steel and cast iron waterlines with 6-inch PVC waterlines; Installation of approximately 500 LF of looping of dead-end 6-inch waterlines; and Installation of approximately 27 fire hydrant assemblies, 25 gate valve assemblies and 149 residential water services reconnections, associated appurtenances and associated work.
Bid Advertisement for water project
Addendum #1 Water System Improvement
Addendum #2 Water System Improvement
Bid Re-Advertisement (posted 2/25/2021)
Addendum #3 Water System Improvement