Urban Archery Season

Nearly 60 different municipalities across the state have been given permission by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to participate in a specified Urban Archery season.  The established dates for North Carolina’s next Urban Archery season are January 11 – February 16, 2025

All North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission regulations remain in effect. Hunting of deer is allowed within the municipal limits of the Town of Jonesville using “legal archery equipment” (as defined by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission) for the taking of deer. Such use must be on private property (not on any property owned or controlled by the Town of Jonesville such as parks, greenways, etc) and the person using the archery equipment must have the expressed, written permission of the property owner on which the activity is taking place.

Hunting activities are allowed during any period of time designated by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for the legal taking of deer by use of archery equipment. Refer to the N.C Wildlife Resources Commission for information on exact season dates. No hunting activity may occur on any Sunday within the municipal limits regardless of designated season.