The Board of Adjustment consists of seven members who are property owners within city limits and two members from the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). They meet when hearings are scheduled. Hearings are normally heard just following the Planning Board meetings on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Jonesville Town Hall.
The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers:
- Any person aggrieved by any decision, order, requirement, or determination by the Zoning Enforcement Officer in the administration of this ordinance may appeal to the Board of Adjustment. An appeal shall specify the reasons for the appeal and be submitted within a reasonable time. The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall transmit to the Board all papers and other records of the case.
- To hear and decide applications for special exceptions as specified in Article12.
- To authorize, in specific cases, variances from the terms of this ordinance which will not be contrary to the public interest.
- Doug Chappell, Chairman term expires 06/30/2030
- Open Seat term expires 06/30/2030
- Jeff Blackburn, Member term expires 06/30/2030
- Mary Perez, Member term expires 06/30/2029
- Barry Swaim, Member term expires 06/30/2029
- Toby Butcher*, Vice-Chairman term expires 06/30/2028
- Scott Jackson*, Member term expires 06/30/2028
Others - Mayor Anita Darnell – Ex-Officio
- William Buffkin – Advisor
*Representing ETJ, appointed by County Commissioners