Notice of Special Meeting

Notice of Special Meeting

The Jonesville Town Council has scheduled a Special Meeting to on 5/20/22 at 4:15pm. Click here for more info.

Special Town Council Meeting

Special Town Council Meeting

The Jonesville Town Council has scheduled a Special Meeting to discuss a property acquisition. Click here for more details.



The Town of Jonesville is soliciting services through a Request for Qualifications. Click for more info.

Yadkin River Run 2022

Yadkin River Run 2022

Join us for the Yadkin River Run on Saturday, June 4th, 2022 at the Jonesville Greenway Trail! Click here for more info.

Applied for Funding

Applied for Funding

The Town of Jonesville has applied for FEMA PA Program funding through NCEM as a sub-recipient. Click below for more information.

RFP – Culvert Repairs

RFP – Culvert Repairs

The Town of Jonesville is soliciting bids through the Request for Proposal related to the S. Jonesville Boulevard Bridge. Click the link for more information.