The Town of Jonesville Water Resources Department is located at 339 Shaw Street, Jonesville, NC 28642 and can be reached at 336-835-2250.
The Water Resources Department is responsible for the treatment and distribution of quality water to approximately 2,366 customers 365 days a year. The Jonesville water plant, located in the Yadkin River Basin, was constructed in the late 1950’s. Source water is pulled from the Yadkin River by the raw water intake pumping station into an 8-million-gallon reservoir. Water then is pumped into two Micro-sand Filtration trains for treatment and sedimentation. The treated water is then gravity fed to two conventional style filters for distribution into the system.
The Jonesville Water Plant was upgraded from a conventional style filtration plant with a total capacity of 518,400 mgd to the only stand-alone micro-sand filtration plant located in North Carolina. The New water plant was officially put online in February of 2013 and the plant now has the capacity of 1.0 mgd.
The Jonesville Water Plant is considered to be a surface water plant doubling our capacity from prior years. Average daily demand is 365,000 mgd with total storage within the system at currently 1.5 million gallons. There are an estimated 46.8 miles of distribution lines within the system along with 12.5 miles that serve Yadkin County along US 21 and the 421/1-77 area.
There are five (5) certified water plant surface operators, two (2) certified distribution operators, two (2) certified cross-connection operators, one (1) physical chemical operator and one (1) C-well operator currently on staff.
You can find the Annual Water Quality Report HERE.
Schyler Ramey ORC Operator sramey@townofjonesvillenc.com
Tony Wood Back-up ORC Operator twood@townofjonesvillenc.com